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Instructional Resources


Literacy at Home: Children's Digital Reading Initiative

PALS Promo Video

Students can access many programs
 through ClassLink.

Students can login with their
CCS credentials.
username: first part of email
password: lunch number

Reading Horizons is our Kindergarten through 3rd grade phonics program.

Eureka Math

We want to help all of our students become fluent in mathematics. Fluency goes beyond just knowing how a particular process can be used to solve a problem. It also requires understanding why that process works. With Eureka Math®, students learn to think, strategize and solve problems... not just get answers.

Simply put, we want students to know what they are doing, and why they are doing it when it comes to mathematics.

Eureka Math , Great Minds Website

Class Dojo

ClassDojo is one of our platforms we use for communicating with families what's happening inside our classrooms and school. Parents can see photos, videos, and even announcements about their child's classroom. Be sure to sign up for ClassDojo!
